Studia Philologica Universitatis Velikotarnovensis is a periodical published by the Faculty of Modern Languages, whose predecessors are:
1) Works of the Higher Pedagogical Institute “Cyril and Methodius” – Veliko Tarnovo // Travaux de L’ecole normale superieure Cyrille et Methode – V. Tirnovo (1964–1968), ISSN 0564-5468;
2) Works of the Higher Pedagogical Institute “Cyril and Methodius” (1970), ISSN 0205 – 2709;
3) Works of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. Faculty of Modern Languages // Travaux de L’universite St. St. Cyrille et Methode de Veliko Tirnovo. Faculte de philologie (1973–2007), ISSN 0204-6369.
By publishing this academic journal, the Faculty of Modern Languages defines itself as an innovating, scholarly and cultural centre, building on the traditions of the Tarnovo Literary School, of the Bulgarian Revival, and those of the 20th century. The periodical aims at competing with the global educational, academic, and innovational processes.
Studia Philologica encompasses diverse and topical fields of research. The periodical publishes original articles and papers in different languages and in the following areas: humanities, philological studies, language and society, language and cultures, literature and cultures, media and communication, language teaching methodology, translation theory and practice, contrastive and interdisciplinary aspects of research in the fields of languages, literatures and communications. Since it was established, Studia Philologica has aimed at supporting the academic growth of the researchers at the Faculty of Modern Languages and has worked for the development of the studies in linguistic, literature, translation and cultural studies, foreign language teaching and other academic fields. The periodical publishes papers by Bulgarian and foreign researchers and works towards a high level of professionalism and strengthening its position as an academic annual comprising topically diverse and profound studies.
The editorial board of the periodical consists of both Bulgarian and foreign scholars, recognized and cited abroad. Before publishing, each paper is doubly reviewed. All texts are checked for plagiarism and undergo double-blind peer review, with reviewers adhering strictly to the norms of publication ethics.
All papers published in Studia Philologica are open access.
The collection is referenced and indexed in: