Socio-Economic Analyses publishes research papers in Bulgarian, Russian and English related to economics, management, social activities and tourism in two issues per year. The manuscripts submitted to the journal must meet the requirement of originality, i.e. not published previously and not accepted for print in another periodical by the time of submission.
The Editorial Board has engaged renowned scholars in the fields of economics, management, social sciences and tourism to conduct a double-blind peer review of each of the submitted articles. After checking the originality of the text, the editor-in-chief refers the proposed article to two reviewers for a double-blind peer review procedure. In the course of the evaluation, they fill in a review form (see mock-up at, expressing in its final part a clear opinion whether the submitted paper should be rejected or accepted (without corrections, with necessary corrections but without second peer review, or for second peer review after recommended, necessary corrections).
If one of the two reviewers has rejected the article, it is submitted for evaluation to an arbitrator whose positive evaluation is a necessary condition for the procedure to continue. The final publishing decision is made by the Editorial Board. The editors also have the right to reject papers that are not in line with the objectives of the journal and do not meet the criteria mentioned above. The Editorial Board is not responsible for any errors made by the authors. PhD students’ manuscripts should be accompanied by a written recommendation of their respective academic supervisor.
Authors should send two files to the journal’s email: [email protected] :
Identification file.
Manuscripts should be submitted to Socio-Economic Analyses’s email by 10 February (for Issue 1) and by 10 September (for Issue 2) of the current year in *.doc or *.docx format They should be formatted as follows:
Page format – A4; spacing – top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm;
Orientation – Portrait;
Paragraph indentation – first line 1.25 cm; paragraph spacing (Before and After) for the whole text – 0;
Footnotes – on each page; font – Times New Roman; font size – 10 pt.
The manuscript should not exceed 20 pages if it is an article, and 5 pages if it is a review or a communication in the specified format.
Article formatting standards (see full article template in the attached file):
Article title: font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt, bold, uppercase;
Blank line;
Article title in English (for articles in Bulgarian and Russian): font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt, bold, uppercase;
Two blank lines, line spacing – 1;
Abstract: in English (up to 150 characters); font – Times New Roman; font size – 12 pt; line spacing – 1
Keywords: in English (up to 5); font – Times New Roman; font size – 12 pt, line spacing – 1;
Blank line, line spacing – 1;
Introduction: font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt; line spacing – 1.5;
Main text: font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt; line spacing – 1.5;
Conclusion: font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt; spacing – 1.5;
References – the literature used is cited according to the Bulgarian State Standard (BDS) and transliterated;
Tables: they are labeled at the top with “Table 1. Title of table one”; font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt. Leave a blank line between the table title and the table with a line spacing of 1;
Figures: the title of the figure is placed below the figure itself – “Figure 1. Title of figure one”; font – Times New Roman; font size – 14 pt. Leave a blank line between the title of the figure and the figure with a line spacing of 1.
In-Text Citation:
Footnote citation should be used as a citation method, using numerical indices with continuous numbering for the entire text.
These processes had already been identified seventeen years earlier by E. Layton1.
[1] Layton, E. Conditions of Technological Development. In: Spiegel-Rösing, I., and D. Price (eds.). Science, Technology and Society: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977, p. 210.
List of References:
The list of references following the text of the article should be preceded by a REFERENCES heading, and it should include only cited works. Titles in the Cyrillic script must be transliterated into the Latin script according to the transliteration rules set out in the Transliteration Act of Bulgaria.
Samples references:
Books and monographs
Цонкова, В. Международни финанси. В. Търново: УИ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, 2020. // Tsonkova, V. Mezhdunarodni finansi. V. Tarnovo: UI „Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii“, 2020.
Salvatore, D. Theory and Problems of International Economics. (5th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Gibbons, M. et al. The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies. London: Sage, 1994.
Chapter in an edited book
Layton, E. Conditions of Technological Development. In: Spiegel-Rösing, I., and D. Price (eds.). Science, Technology and Society: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.
Publications in periodicals
Дамянова, Л. Данъчни стимули за научноизследователската и развойна дейност в страните от ОИСР и ЕС. Икономически и социални алтернативи, том 26 (2), 2020, с. 43–60. // Damyanova, L. Danachni stimuli za nauchnoizsledovatelskata i razvoyna deynost v stranite ot OISR i ES. Ikonomicheski i sotsialni alternativi, tom 26 (2), 2020, s. 43–60.
Miller, S., T. Ndhlelab. Corrigendum to Money Demand and Seignorage Maximization Before the End of the Zimbabwean Dollar. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 70, 2021, pp. 21–27.
Publications in proceedings
Георгиев, Ю. Изследване на социалните последици от преструктуриране на аграрния сектор в България за периода 2007–2017 г. В: Сборник с научни изследвания от годишна конференция на Стопанския факултет на ВТУ, том 3. В. Търново: УИ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, 2019, с. 52–61. // Georgiev. Yu. Izsledvane na sotsialnite posleditsi ot prestrukturirane na agrarnia sektor v Bulgaria za perioda 2007–2017 g. V: Sbornik s nauchni izsledvania ot godishna konferentsia na Stopanskia fakultet na VTU, tom 3. V. Tarnovo: UI „Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodii“, 2019, s. 52–61.
Bednarz, M. Selected Aspects of Social Security in the Polish Health Care System. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference: Southeast Europe: History, Culture, Politics, and Economy, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, vol. 4. Bologna: Filodiritto Editore, 2021, pp. 73–78.
If the cited book, article or report also has an Internet-based publication, its URL address/DOI number should be noted. For example:
Павлова, Я. Нагласи към хората с увреждания на работното място. Социално-икономически анализи // Pavlova, Ya. Naglasi kam horata s uvrezhdania na rabotnoto myasto. Sotsialno-ikonomicheski analizi [oнлайн], vol. 13 (2), 2021, с. 240–248 [прегледан: 11.01.2022]. Достъпен на:
Brennan, T. Energy Efficiency Policy Puzzles. The Energy Journal [online], vol. 34 (2), 2013, pp. 1–25 [Accessed: 9 June 2018]. JSTOR. Available at
Online sources
Национална стратегия за учене през целия живот 2014–2020 г. 2014. // Natsionalna strategia za uchene prez tselia zhivot 2014–2020 g. 2014 [oнлайн] [прегледан 11.10.2021]. Достъпен на
European Commission [online] [Accessed: 28 July 2021]. Available at
Papers that do not meet the technical requirements are sent back to the author for correction.
Identification file.
The identification file should include the author’s name, place of work, degree, academic position, research interests and contact email.